


The kids are on Christmas break, and I’ve been off from work for well over a week. There is only so much TV you can watch, and movies you can play over and over again until your brain feels numb.

We managed to wrangle the kids into the car for a small adventure. The goal…my 800th cache find to finish out the year. After grabbing lunch and a couple of “P&G’s”, we took the hour long drive to the trailhead that marked the beginning of our journey. We hiked through the woods, crossing streams and small rivers, our footsteps crunching the fallen leaves on the trail. The intent was to hike out to a decent turn around point, then grab the cache on the way back (it was just over a quarter mile from the parking area). Unfortunately, we got started too late in the afternoon, as we only made it just over a mile down the trail before I made the decision to make it back before the sun dropped too low. I wasn’t paying much attention to my GPSr for a while, and when I finally looked down at it, I was just 400 feet away.

Airborne60mmThe cache was just on the other side of a small hill. The family continued along the trail while I went in for the grab. Milestone 800 was met with the find of GCF4, the oldest active cache in the state of South Carolina.